Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mountain Dew Bench is complete!

After promising to update the pop art park benches in the school's park, I was able to finally paint the bench on the top of the hill. It was easy to complete the theme - a Mountain Dew on the mountain. So in July when there seemed to be 2 consecutive days with no rain, I went to update the 5 benches my students and I had painted in the spring of '08. It took 7 hours to repaint, repair and revamp them before I could begin the last one. At 7:30 at night with clouds looming I went home to rest. The next day my mind was set and I completed the last bench. It only took about 4 hours as I had painted the background shape the day before.  I was happy with the results and satisfied that I had completed the job. I hope it will leave a lasting impression on the school, the park, the community. The benches really pop!