Sunday, September 20, 2009

In August I took photos of murals in our city and wrote 2 articles on painting murals with students. One article is about painting an ocean themed mural near a splash park or near a sink in an art room or kindergarten room. It can be found at this website: Murals: An Ocean Wall Mural - An Art Lesson. They were part 2 and 3 of a 3 part series on painting murals with students.

The other article focused on a lesson about murals that show perspective. The lessons included how to teach drawing with a vanishing point. Practice drawings are included to help students draw the eye in to the picture. I included photos from around the city on murals which were optical illusions to help the viewer think that the mural continued from the street into the wall. There were also several good websites to show artists (eg. Eric Grohe, Julian Beever) who do large murals like this all over the world. The art lesson is found at this website: Murals: Wall Murals Using Perspective to Draw You In