Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mothers Day Scratch Art - Spring Scratch Art Project

You can do scratch art anytime, but I used it for a Mother's Day project. Since I used flowers it is a good spring/summer design to use in May and June. Tulips, roses, sunflowers, all work well. I also made frames of silver tin foil rubbed with black paint. The silver scratch art paper is unusual and creates beautiful effects so should be used on simple pictures. The method and steps are written in the Scratch Art For Spring Article.

It was easy to do and I would do it again. The frames were a little harder to create effective designs so I would try a new frame next time.

Friday, June 11, 2010

June Jitters

June is a busy month. Changes come fast. Weather gets you going. Up with the sun, down with the rain. Coffee to wake you up, tea to settle you down. Lots of trips, lots going on, lots yet to do, lots to see. Spirits to rise, spirits to take flight and spirits to say goodbye. I like to run in the green grass in a late night soccer game in June. I teach pop art at this time in art, powerpoint (or photostory) presentations in computers, and flight aviation in science. Its a fun time of year and still there is new things to learn. Use this as the most concentrated, yet fun time to teach and learn. If a project doesn't get done, it doesn't. And yet somehow it all does. We get tired and we have to remember that we'll catch up on sleep in July!

Here's a video of a group called "In June"...."All I Have"